Loan advantages

Financing the construction or purchase of real estate in tabo-free areas

Repayment period up to 12 years

Grace period available

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The maximum age of the borrower at the time of the last installment is made shall be 70 years and in accordance with the borrower’s nature of work and the bylaws of his/her organization, and 65 years old for freelancers.

The maximum amount is $80,000

Yes, you also need to obtain a real estate insurance policy for personal housing loans only if the loan amount exceeds $80,000 or its equivalence in other currencies.

Yes. If a second personal housing loan is granted to the same borrower in the amount exceeding $80,000 and a loan period exceeding 12 years, the value of the granted loan should not exceed 40% of the property appraisal value.

Calculate your loan

Intrest value


Maximum house price


Maximum loan value


The required loan installment value


First installment value


The expense and liability ratio must be less than 50%

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